Kimberly Sue Loontjer

By March 1, 2019Uncategorized

November 5, 1980 – February 27, 2019
She was born in Southfield, MI, the daughter of Gary and Sue (Sylwester) Loontjer. Kimberly passed away under hospice care in the home of her brother Kevin, in Elkhorn NE. She is survived by her parents; brother Kevin (Jessica) Loontjer, Rylee, Weston, Charlie; brother Curtis (Nikii) Loontjer, Logan, Rowen, Lyvia; grandmother Betty Loontjer, aunts, uncles other family and friends.
Kimberly received her B.S. at Concordia University-Chicago, her J.D. at University of Nebraska College of Law, which included a year study of Comparative politics at University of Denver. She had nearly completed her PhD work through Loyola University- Chicago and was a professor of political science at Concordia University-Wisconsin at the time of her death.
Preceded in death by Grandparents Arnold Loontjer, Kurt & Dorothy Sylwester; Uncles Wayne and Ken Loontjer. Aunts Ruth Coulson, Mary Sylwester.
Visitation Friday March 8th 5-7 pm at Roeder Mortuary Gretna, NE. Funeral service Saturday March 9th 11 am (viewing at 10 am) at Christ Lutheran Church 4342 Sumner St. Lincoln, NE.
In Lieu of flowers memorials may be sent to: Kim Loontjer Memorial Fund Lutheran College Semester in DC (Payable to CUW Foundation)
Lincoln Lutheran Alumni Fund (Payable to Lutheran Education Foundation) Women of Faith Memorial (Payable to Gary Loontjer)

Roeder Mortuary 11710 Standing Stone Gretna 402-332-0090


  • Inna karpyuk (Tereshchenko) says:

    What a beautiful friend she was to me. When I moved to United States, Kimberly and her parents have showed me kindness and friendship. I am thankful for Kimberly. She was funny, confident and sweet. I was sad to hear about her passing.

  • Classmate says:

    I am saddened to hear of the loss of my classmate. Kim was a special person and I enjoyed going to school with her. Her life was cut way too short. God has plans for her in heaven. My sympathy to her family.

  • Classmate says:

    I am saddened to hear of the loss of my classmate. Kim was a special person and I enjoyed going to school with her. Her life was cut way too short. God has plans for her in heaven.

  • Stephanie Barry says:

    My heart is aching with your family. I cannot comprehend the depth of your loss- and how it will continue to be felt in the days, weeks, and months to come. Our hope has to remain in Hebrews 12:1-3- “Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us (Kim is there! Hallelujah! She has finished her race!!), let us also lay aside every encumberance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” I am thankful for the privilege of knowing Kim and withessing that as her race drew to a close, Kim encouraged us to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus. What a blessing! To God be the glory.

  • Cheryl Meyer says:

    My deepest sympathies to Kevin and his entire family during this time of loss. Prayers for you all.

    • Gale JungemannSchulz-Schulz and Robin P Schulz says:

      Robin and I send you our deepest sympathies and our prayers for comfort and peace to you—Gary, Sue, Kevin, Curtis, and all family members and friends.

  • Anonymous says:

    Cindy & I are saddened by your loss and encouraged by the hope we share in the resurrection.

  • Julie Hinz says:

    There are no words In can find to express my deep, deep sadness at your loss. Kim was an amazing young woman. She was first a CUC student and quickly became a friend before we shared a house in Forest Park. She was a friend, a confidant, shoulder, Godly-example, and faithful leader. I am heartbroken and yet rejoice that her struggle is over and she in her loving Lords arm. Always faithful, she knew exactly where she was headed when this journey started and never wavered. Well done, good and faithful Servant.
    Julie HInz

  • Anonymous says:

    My Sympathy to Her Family!

  • Jaylee darconte says:

    Most loving and beautiful person inside and out! Thinking of all you! She has such a wonderful family and so much love all around!

  • Colleen Ayres-Petering says:

    I am so sorry to read this! I so well remember when Kimberly was born! Although I’ve lost touch with the family, i think of them all with great fondness, and my sincere thoughts and prayers are with them all. Sending love.

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